OpenStack Docs: Manage Compute service quotas
Manage Compute service quotas As an administrative user, you can use the nova quota-* commands, which are provided by the python-novaclient package, to update the Compute service quotas for a specific project or project user, as well as update the quota de
- 오픈스택 쿼터 보기(default 값)
openstack quota show --default
| Quota | Limit |
| instances | 10 |
| cores | 20 |
| ram | 51200 |
| floating_ips | 10 |
| fixed_ips | -1 |
| metadata_items | 128 |
| injected_files | 5 |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |
| injected_file_path_bytes | 255 |
| key_pairs | 100 |
| security_groups | 10 |
| security_group_rules | 20 |
| server_groups | 10 |
| server_group_members | 10 |
- 기본 Instance 생성 개수를 15개로 늘리기
openstack quota set --instances 15 default
- 프로젝트에 리소스 제한을 걸 경우
- 해당 프로젝트 ID 출력
- project=$(openstack project show -f value -c id PROJECT_NAME)
- 해당 프로젝트의 쿼터 설정
openstack quota show PROJECT_NAME
| Quota | Limit |
| instances | 10 |
| cores | 20 |
| ram | 51200 |
| floating_ips | 10 |
| fixed_ips | -1 |
| metadata_items | 128 |
| injected_files | 5 |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |
| injected_file_path_bytes | 255 |
| key_pairs | 100 |
| security_groups | 10 |
| security_group_rules | 20 |
| server_groups | 10 |
| server_group_members | 10 |
$ openstack quota set --floating-ips 20 PROJECT_OR_CLASS
$ openstack quota show PROJECT_NAME
| Quota | Limit |
| instances | 10 |
| cores | 20 |
| ram | 51200 |
| floating_ips | 20 |
| fixed_ips | -1 |
| metadata_items | 128 |
| injected_files | 5 |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |
| injected_file_path_bytes | 255 |
| key_pairs | 100 |
| security_groups | 10 |
| security_group_rules | 20 |
| server_groups | 10 |
| server_group_members | 10 |